[TBD] Ragmon Upgrade

Enhance Your Ragmons Without Burning

Introducing a new feature in Ragnarok: Monster World – Ragmon Upgrade. This exciting option allows you to enhance your Ragmons without burning your existing NFTs. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

  • No Burn Required: Unlike the Ragmon Merge, the Ragmon Upgrade option lets you keep your original NFTs intact.

  • Increased Cost: To balance this advantage, Level Upgrades will require a higher Zeny cost compared to the merge process.

  • Reduced Probability: The success rate for Ragmon Upgrade will be lower than that of merging, adding an element of challenge and strategy.

  • No Failure Compensation: This method does not grant Yggdrasil Berries upon failure, focusing solely on the upgrade process. However, you can add Yggdrasil Berries during the Ragmon upgrade process.

Stay tuned for more details as we refine and finalize this exciting new feature.

Last updated