Job Classes

Essense of Your Growth

Dive into the heart of Ragnarok: Monster World, where your journey begins as a Novice, reminiscent of the classic origins in the original Ragnarok Online. Here, your path is defined by the job you choose, the spells you master, and the strength of your fortress.

Spell Mastery

In the vibrant world of Ragnarok: Monster World, each job comes with its own set of unique spells, adding depth and strategy to your gameplay.

  • Unlocking Spells: As you gain experience and level up in your chosen job, you'll earn new spells, enhancing your arsenal for battles ahead.

  • Upgrading Spells: To boost the effectiveness of your spells, such as increasing their damage output, you'll need spell books. These precious items allow you to upgrade your spells, making them more potent in combat.

Job Change

Embarking on your adventure as a Novice, the world is full of possibilities. As you hone your skills and master your initial spells, the opportunity to specialize opens up.

  • Choosing Your Path: Once you've achieved mastery in your initial job, you can advance to a new job. The first jobs available for transition are Archer, Magician, and Swordsman, each offering a unique play style and abilities.

  • Future Prospects: The world of Ragnarok: Monster World is ever-expanding, with more jobs slated to be introduced, offering new challenges and strategies.


Your fortress is not just a static backdrop in your battles; it's an extension of your character.

  • Character and Fortress Synergy: As you progress and level up your job, your fortress also becomes stronger. This symbiotic growth ensures that your defenses are bolstered, reflecting your journey and achievements in the game.

Ragnarok: Monster World weaves together the classic elements of Ragnarok Online with new dynamics and strategies. Your job choice, spell mastery, and the strength of your fortress all play pivotal roles in your quest for glory. Whether you choose the precision of an Archer, the arcane power of a Magician, or the bravery of a Swordsman, your journey in Ragnarok: Monster World is yours to define.

The names can be updated upon launch.

Last updated