Libra, the Balance System

The Balance

Advance Notice and Application

Libra represents our commitment to maintaining a transparent and fair game balance system, akin to providing clear patch notes for players. Recognizing that in-game adjustments can influence the perceived value of tokens and NFTs in the blockchain environment, clarity and prior notification are our top priorities for all balance modifications.

With this in mind, Libra operates on a "notice first, apply later" rule. Under this policy, any changes to game balances, such as monster costs, are announced well in advance of their actual implementation. This forward notice gives players time to anticipate and respond to the changes, much like futures in the stock market. As a result, token and NFT prices adjust gradually over time until the changes are applied in-game, allowing players to strategically decide whether to sell, hold, or buy.

Suggestion - Voting - Acceptance Scheme

Libra, the balancing system is governed by the Monster World community. The usual procedure for changes to the game balance involves a suggestion phase, followed by a voting phase, and finally, an application phase once the proposal has been accepted. This tripartite process ensures that all major changes to the game balance are considered and approved by the community, providing a fair, transparent, and democratic mechanism for managing the game's ecosystem.

Future Implementation: Smart Contract Governance

Our vision for Monster World extends beyond its current framework. We aim to implement a sophisticated smart contract system for Libra, bringing all these processes onto the blockchain for enhanced transparency and verifiability. The Monster World DAO will oversee this smart contract, effectively decentralizing control and placing governance in the hands of our community. This planned transition represents our commitment to democratizing game development decisions and solidifying the trust our players place in us.