Level Up Merge

Transparent Upgrade Protocol

Enhancing NFT Capabilities

The Level Up Merge feature in Ragnarok: Monster World offers players the thrilling opportunity to upgrade their NFTs, marking a significant evolution in gameplay and strategy. This innovative process involves combining multiple monsters of the same rarity, with an associated Zeny Coin (ZNY) cost that is meticulously determined by the creature's rarity. The anticipation of potentially ascending to a higher rarity tier introduces a new layer of strategic depth to player decisions.

Creating Value through Systematic Burning

Central to the Level Up Merge is its ability to generate value for NFTs via a systematic burning mechanism. For example, with a 50% chance for a successful merge and a fixed cost in ZNY, the process establishes an expected value framework that significantly enhances the worth of higher-tier Ragmon NFTs through deliberate resource allocation and risk.

Transparent Control of NFT Supply

An integral aspect of this merging system is its transparent governance over the Ragmon NFT population, facilitated by the DAO. This ensures a balanced approach to NFT supply within the ecosystem, enabling adjustments to merge costs and success probabilities. Such DAO oversight allows for the adaptive management of NFT quantities, ensuring the game's economy remains vibrant and sustainable.

VRF-Enhanced Merge Success

To ensure fairness and unpredictability in the merge outcomes, a Verifiable Random Function (VRF) secures the randomness of each merge attempt. This guarantees that every merge is conducted under the highest standards of security and integrity, with the DAO overseeing the process to ensure that it aligns with community values and game balance.

Merge Token Compensation

Unsuccessful merge attempts yield ERC20 Merge Tokens to the participant, designed to enhance the prospects of future upgrade successes. These tokens, which can be applied in varying amounts to bolster the chances of a positive outcome, serve as a cushion against the disappointment of failed merges.

Intended as a mechanism to encourage continued engagement with the merge process, Merge Tokens represent a form of persistence reward. While these tokens possess utility within the merging context, they are expressly not intended for speculative investment. Their distribution, use, and oversight fall under the purview of the DAO, reflecting a community-centric approach to game governance.